Apex Cornering
Apex Cornering in a Race Car
Apex cornering is a technique used by race car drivers to take corners at high speeds. The goal of apex cornering is to maintain the car's momentum through the corner while also minimizing the amount of time spent turning.
There are three main steps to apex cornering:
Approach the corner at the correct speed. The driver should approach the corner at a speed that will allow them to take the corner without losing control. The driver should also be aware of the radius of the corner and adjust their speed accordingly.
Turn in to the corner. The driver should turn the steering wheel in the direction of the corner and accelerate gently. The driver should also be prepared to brake if they need to slow down further.
Hit the apex of the corner. The apex is the point at which the car is closest to the inside of the corner. The driver should aim to hit the apex at the correct speed and angle.
Exit the corner. The driver should straighten the steering wheel and accelerate out of the corner. The driver should also be aware of other cars on the track and be prepared to adjust their line accordingly.
Apex cornering is a complex technique that takes practice to master. However, by following these steps, drivers can improve their cornering speed and efficiency.
Here are some additional tips for apex cornering:
Use a racing line. A racing line is a path that a driver takes through a corner that allows them to take the corner at the fastest speed possible. There are many different racing lines for different corners, so it is important to practice and find the one that works best for you.
Look ahead. The driver should always be looking ahead at the next corner. This will help them to plan their approach and make sure that they are in the correct position to take the corner.
Be smooth. The driver should make smooth inputs when turning the steering wheel and accelerating. This will help to keep the car stable and under control.
Practice. The best way to improve your apex cornering skills is to practice. You can do this by driving on a track or by using a racing simulator. As you practice, you will start to develop a feel for how to take corners at high speeds.
With practice, you will be able to apex corner like a pro.